Berényi László festészet

Berényi László

Berényi László

Művek: 2
Követők: 0
Látogatók: 7
Kedvelések: 0


Regisztrált: 2022.06.30.


My name is Rasuro, Laszlo Berenyi. I got this artistic name as a trained master of Japanese ink painting from my master, Hakutei, Kazuko Mukoyama in 2016. My paintings are exhibited since 2007, my first solo exhibition taken place in Wienna 2010. My art works are exhibited in Japan since 2010 in the annual exhibition of Association of International Modern Japanese Inkpainting. My work was with the prize of "Excellent art work" awarded there in 2018. I am teaching suibokuga since 2010. My students were awarded with silver and bronze prizes in Japan 2018 too.

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